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Analysis Bot

Bots and AI assistants can be used to conduct analysis in various ways, offering advantages that enhance productivity, decision-making, and efficiency.


We design our bots with a specific use-case in mind, and 



  • Saves Time: process data faster than human analysts

  • Better Insights: Reveal hidden Insights

  • Structured Output: Consistent and standardised output

  • Better decision making

  • Increased productivity


Use Cases of Analysis Bots:

  • Analyse customer interviews: for patterns, trends, jobs to be done, unmet needs etc.

  • Market Research: Analyse reports and research papers

  • Analyse Competitors

  • Predictive analysis, Root cause analysis, predictive analysis


**Can reduce reporting and analytical document creation time

Example: The Risk Bot

**Customisable, depending on customer's needs


RISK ANALYSIS is a simple bot designed to identify key weaknesses, points of failures and risks in a new startup idea that and the output is a DISCUSSION DOCUMENT that startups, VCs and Accelerators identify and mitigate startup risks.​


The following two analyses will be completed on the Startup's Concept:


  1. A Pre-Mortem: A pre-mortem is a strategic exercise conducted before starting a project, business, or initiative, where a team imagines that the project has failed in the future and then works backward to determine the reasons why it failed. It allows the team to address these issues proactively before they become real problems.


  1. Risk Analysis: A risk analysis is a process used to identify, assess, and prioritize risks that could negatively affect a project, business, or decision. It helps organizations or individuals understand potential uncertainties, threats, and challenges so they can develop strategies to mitigate or avoid them.

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Primary Purpose:

  • Acts as a discussion document for VCs, accelerators, incubators, and startup teams to identify and analyze risks in early-stage startups.

  • Facilitates meaningful conversations within the startup team, between startups and investors, or between VCs and startup teams.

  • Input for reporting purposes


Secondary Purpose:

  • The bot serves as an educational tool for startups to learn critical thinking and risk analysis.

  • It helps founders reason through risks, challenges assumptions, and refine business strategies.


Unique Focus:

  • The bot is not only designed to analyze the business but also to influence how the founder thinks. It encourages deeper reflection on decisions, risks, and strategies, shaping both the business model and the founder’s mindset.

Try the BOT DEMO below: Click 'Start'

Dummy/Test Data (for easy experimentation):


  • Target Customer: Digital Nomads who travel frequently and want to optimize their travel experiences based on their unique preferences and work needs.

  • Unmet Need/Problem: The current travel planning process is fragmented. Digital nomads have to juggle multiple platforms to book flights, accommodations, co-working spaces, and find local experiences that align with their interests.

  • Alternatives: Existing travel planning platforms offer generic recommendations and don't cater specifically to the needs of digital nomads. Travel agents can be expensive and may not fully understand the lifestyle.

  • Solution: An AI-powered travel concierge that learns a digital nomad's preferences (budget, work style, preferred destinations, interests) and creates personalized travel itineraries, including flights, accommodations with good Wi-Fi, co-working spaces, and curated local experiences. The AI can also adapt itineraries in real-time based on changes in flight schedules, weather, or the nomad's preferences.

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